How To Write A Riveting Sales Letter That Closes Sales

By Mike Jezek Copyright 2007 Mike Jezek.  All rights reserved.


How do you get people's attention and build their interest to

take the time to read your sales letter?  Let's face it.  If you

can't get the attention of prospects and keep their interest your

sales letter will just fall flat on it's face and thus not make you

much money.


Today, I'm going to show you how to take that limp sales letter

and inject more money making power into it.  How?  You make

your sales letter more riveting.  And you do that by creating a

thread of curiosity and or surprising information that keeps your

prospects on the edge of their seats.  There are various ways

to do this, but today I'm going to show you three simple things

you can do right away to make your sales letter more riveting.


1)  The 25% Rule:  Simply stated, if the first quarter of your 

sales letter isn't absolutely compelling and interesting enough

your sales letter will bomb.  So here's what you do.  You craft

an irresistible benefit laden headline and subhead that pull

people into the first sentence of your body copy.  You write the

copy in such a way that to complete the thought forces your

audience into the next sentence.  Next, your first paragraph 

will naturally flow into the second paragraph and then into

the third and so on.  The trick again, is to write the copy in

such a way that you're using stories, case histories, testimonials

news or even descriptions that take several paragraphs to 

write.  Then you break this huge block of copy up into

multiple paragraphs.  As a result, the first 25% of your

sales letter should become riveting.


2)  Transition Phrases:  At the end of key paragraphs you

can add a special sentence that beckons your prospects

to read into the next paragraph.  Here are several examples:

"Stay with me."  "Let me explain."  There's more."  "What

happened next will surprise you."  "I was blown away by

what happened next."  "Now here comes the good part."


3)  Preview:  Have you ever noticed on talk radio or on 

various news programs that the announcer or radio host

will give you a preview of what's to come in their show

in order to whet your appetite to know more?  You can

do the same thing throughout your sales letter.  Note this

technique is closely related to transition phrases.  Here

are a few examples.  "As you read on, you're about to discover how 

XXX can boost your sales by 30% to 400% in just

7 short days."  "I'm going to reveal my magic metabolism

secrets that can peel off 20 lbs within 30 days time.  But

before I do ... "  "In the next 5 minutes as you read every

word of this letter, you will know the 7 secrets to exploding

your online profits without paying a single dime in advertising

costs."  "By the time you finish reading this eye-opening letter

you will know how to take these three fighting techniques and

stop any attacker foolish enough to get in your face." 


Here's the bottom line.  You must keep your prospects focused

on your sales message.  If your sales letter is like most people's

sale letters - boring - no prospect will take the time to read it and

as a result you won't close sales.  Use these three techniques and

try inventing some of your own to keep your reader focused and

riveted on what you've written.  Build suspense in your sales letter.

As if you're constantly dangling a carrot before them.  Do this and

you should see your sales conversion improve.


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Subscribe below to get my Confidential Psychological Selling Tactics free 4-part mini-email course. Learn 8 selling tactics that sell up a storm.  How to speak to the subconscious needs of your customers.  2 ways to melt buying resistance.  How to override people's fear of buying from you, plus much more.  You will also receive my 2 ebooks "Sales Letter Super Weapons I" and "Sales Letter Super Weapons II!"  In addition, you'll also get my famous Psychological Copywriting Tactics Memos - you'll love these!


"I have never read this information anywhere else on the web and I've been around for a while!" -- Rob Holmes


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