How Cause and Effect Statements can Improve Your Sales Conversions

By Mike Jezek Copyright 2007 Mike Jezek.  All rights reserved.

In this article I'm going to share with you a powerful copywriting technique that few copywriters have heard of. When used correctly, this technique can bring your game to a whole new level.

This clever technique I'm referring to is called "Cause and Effect" statements.  And it can make your copywriting riveting and turn up the "buying temperature" of your prospects.
Here's how this technique works.  Take an accepted truth, both you and your reader agree upon and tie into something you want your readers to act on. Let's take a quick look at some examples of how to put this technique into action:

Examples of "Cause and Effect" statements:

Selling a home:  "The moment you see this house, you're going to want it."

Selling a book:  "Because you're still reading this letter, I know you're seeing the value in this."

Selling a self-help course:  "Just popping in my first audio tape will cause you to immediately know this course was the right investment for you."

Selling software:  "Listen, once I show you how this new program works you'll jump at buying this - I guarantee it!"

Selling an info product:  "As you read my letter, you're going to start itching to order this product because it's that valuable!

Selling an info product:  "Just reading this next testimonial will cause you to be 100% convinced you've got to have this."

Selling financial services:  "I'm telling you, once you look at this financial plan, you'll be convinced it's the right direction to take."

As you can see, "Cause and Effect" statements easy to create.  Start weaving them into your websites and direct mail and you'll notice your copywriting instantly becomes more compelling. Key words in crafting these statements are:  "make", "must", "have to", "cause", "force", "you're going to", "I know you'll" "you'll feel", "you'll..." etc.  Here's the basic formula:
Accepted truth + effecting word or phrase + action you want taken.

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